Evolution Ecology and Conservation
The curriculum Evolution, Ecology and Conservation includes evolutionary ecology (including animal behavior); plant and animal functional ecology; evo-devo, molecular evolution, sexual selection and sperm competition, population genetics and molecular systematics and phylogeny. Evolutionary approaches to conservation biology, ranging from genetic-planned breeding plans for endangered species to biomonitoring of protected areas and fish-stock management.
- Laura Airoldi
- Barbara Baldan research
- Alberto Barausse
- Leonardo Congiu website
- Francesco Dal Grande
- Giuseppe Fusco
- Clelia Gasparini website
- Alessandro Grapputo
- Marin Maria
- Valerio Matozzo
- Carlotta Mazzoldi website1 website 2
- Mezzavilla Massimo
- Isabella Moro
- Luca Pagani
- Chiara Papetti
- Dietelmo Pievani
- Andrea Augusto Pilastro website
- Maria Berica Rasotto website
- Gil Rosenthal
- Lorenzo Zane website