2023 - 2024 Academic Year
Seminar Cycles
- Cancer Biology Lecture Series - flyer
- Biodiversity and Adaptation Lecture Series - flyer
- Neurodegeneration Lecture Series - flyer
- Stem Cell Lecture Series - flyer
- Development and Evolution Lecture Series - flyer
- From genes to ecosystems: multiple approaches to understand ecological patterns and dynamics - flyer
- Mitocondrial Lecture Series (organised in collaboration with the PhD Programme in biomedical sciences) - flyer
Single seminars
- 9/9 h 15:00 Room M Mezzanine floor Vallisneri Building "Auxin dynamics during developmental programmed cell death events in the Arabidopsis root." Dr Riccardo Di Mambro Dipartimento di Biologia Università di Pisa - flyer
- 12/9 h 16:00 Room A ground floor Vallisneri Building "Therapeutic approaches for hereditary peripheral neuropathies and motor neuron disease" Prof. Giampietro Schiavo University College London UCL-Institute of Neurology London, UK - flyer
- 2/11 h 14:30 Aula Magna Vallisneri Building "Mitochondria on the move: from horizontal mitochondrial transfer to organ regeneration", Prof. Jiri Neuzil Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague - flyer
- 2/11 h 9:30 Room H Mezzanine floor Vallisneri Building "Investigating pathogenic mechanisms of rare genetic hereditary spastic paraplegia. Prof. Fabrizia Cesca Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita Università degli Studi di Trieste - Flyer
- 17/11 h 14:30 Room H, mezzanine floor "c-MYC-driven illicit cell cycle entry, cellular senescence and progeroid disease in mitochondrial complex III deficient mice" Prof. Jukka Kallijarvi and Dr. Janne Purhonen Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsenki - flyer
- 1/12 h h 11:30 ID Zoom meeting: 845 0760 9547 Pass code: 661519 "Ocean acidification – a matter of time" Prof. Sam Dupont Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences Göteborg University - flyer
- 12/04 h 14:30, room E "Adaptive Variation in Asian Populations" Prof. Qasim Ayub, Monash University, Malaysia - flyer
- 25/03 h 14:30, room I "Ancient Genomes and what they tell us about Neandertals and Modern Humans in Europe" Prof. Kay Prüfer, Department of Evolutionary Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig, Germany - flyer
- 22/02 h 14:30, room L "From Neurons to swarm behaviour: Chronobiological studies in Antarctic krill" Prof. Lukas Hüppe, AWI Institute, Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany - flyer
- 22/02 h 14:30, room L "The Southern Ocean Key species, Antarctic Krill, under pressure" Prof. Bettina Meyer, AWI Institute, Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany - flyer
- 22/04 h 12:30 room 0L Vallisneri Building "AAV-mediated delivery of an anti-BACE1 VHH alleviates pathology in an Alzheimer’s disease model" Prof. Matthew Holt i3s - Porto, Pourtugal - flyer
- 17/05 h 16:00 Aula Magna Giovanni Felice Azzone Vallisneri building "Elucidating how p53 governs cell state transitions in lung and pancreatic cancer" Prof. Laura Attardi - Catharine and Howard Avery Professor of Radiation Oncology Stanford School of Medicine - flyer